Apart from having sex, some guys are just so harmful to your well-being. They want to hold on to you even though they can’t truly love you.

They become less appreciative the more you offer, and they are ready to adore and treat you fairly the moment you decide to walk away.

Giving them another chance in the hopes that they will have changed makes you realize that it was all a lie.

You get the will to turn away once more, but then he reappears, declaring his love for you, and you cave in once more.

When a man reacts angrily and persistently to your attempts to end things, it’s not a sign of love; rather, it’s a reflexive behavior.

The fact that a man kisses your behind or makes flimsy attempts to be kind to you for two weeks doesn’t mean he’s trying; rather, it means he knows you well enough to be able to defuse the situation long enough to hook you again.

 A young youngster sobs when you take away his petty things, but a man sobs when his convenient relationship is taken away. You don’t have to give in to his tears in order to fulfill his wishes.

Put an end to your man’s constant promises and begin observing what his behaviors are truly telling you.

Many of you women have never experienced what it’s like to be truly loved by a man. You are familiar with passion, lust, joy, and the fear of being abandoned.

Give up trying to define love as something it shouldn’t be and accept it for what it is.

Love doesn’t promise to do the right thing every time he gets caught repeatedly getting caught fucked up.

Love is when a grown man changes on his own because he can’t picture his life without you, not when you tell him he has to change in order to keep you.