A woman named Morgan Helquist discovered a shocking truth after seeing the same gynecologist, Dr. Morris Wartman, for nine years. Helquist realized that Wartman might be her biological father, even though she had always thought her father was someone else.

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Helquist was conceived through artificial insemination and born in September 1985. Her parents, Joanne Levy and Gary Levy, had been told that the sperm donor was a medical student. However, it appears that Dr. Wartman was the actual sperm donor.

In April of this year, during an appointment, Dr. Wartman made comments and invited his wife to the exam room that led Helquist to suspect he was her biological father. Wartman’s comments about her appearance and his behavior made her suspicious.

DNA test — Helquist had previously discovered other half-siblings who were also conceived through artificial insemination and found out that Wartman might be their father. A DNA test later confirmed that Wartman is indeed her biological father.

Lawsuit — Helquist is now suing Wartman, claiming medical malpractice, fraud, and emotional distress. She alleges that Wartman used his own sperm instead of a medical student’s and continued to treat her as her gynecologist for nearly a decade without revealing this information.

Reported Similar Cases — There have been other cases where doctors secretly used their own sperm to impregnate patients, such as Dr. Quincy Fortier and another fertility doctor who settled a class-action lawsuit for $7 million.

It’s now clear that Helquist’s lawsuit claims that Dr. Wartman secretly used his own sperm to conceive her and then treated her as a patient for many years, leading to a legal battle over medical ethics and personal distress.