In many relationships today, you will witness various factors that can lead a married woman to seek intimacy outside her marriage, often with another married man. These reasons typically stem from dissatisfaction or unmet needs within her marriage.
Firstly, suspicion of her husband’s infidelity can drive a woman to seek solace in another man. If she perceives her husband is having an affair (“having a side cheek”), she might retaliate or seek emotional comfort elsewhere.
Secondly, infertility issues in the marriage can prompt a woman to look outside for the possibility of having children. If her husband is unable to father children, she may seek a partner who can fulfill her desire for motherhood.
Thirdly, marital dissatisfaction can arise from perceiving weaknesses in her husband. Over time, respect may diminish, leading her to seek someone she views more positively.
Financial support is another crucial factor. If a woman feels financially unsupported by her husband, she might seek a partner who can provide the stability and resources she desires.
Sexual dissatisfaction is also significant. If a woman is not sexually satisfied in her marriage, she may look elsewhere for greater fulfillment, despite women generally having lower sex drives than men.
Comparisons with other men can exacerbate dissatisfaction. If she starts to believe other men are more desirable or capable than her husband, she may be inclined to explore those possibilities.
Lastly, if she perceives her husband lacks ambition or future plans, it can diminish her confidence in the relationship. Expectations set before marriage may not align with reality, prompting her to seek someone with clearer goals.
Remember that these reasons illustrate how various marital shortcomings can lead a married woman to seek intimacy with another married man.
Whether driven by emotional, sexual, or practical needs, such decisions often stem from a sense of dissatisfaction or unmet expectations within her primary relationship.