Breast cancer is a serious health concern that affects many people. Knowing the signs can help you catch it early. Here’s what to look out for:

Changes You Can See

  1. Lumps or thickening: Feel for any new lumps or thick areas in your breast or armpit.
  2. Skin changes: Watch for dimpling, puckering, or orange-peel texture on your breast skin.
  3. Nipple changes: Notice if your nipple turns inward or changes shape.
  4. Unusual discharge: See if there’s any fluid coming from your nipple when you’re not breastfeeding.
  5. Redness or swelling: Look for any areas that are red, swollen, or feel warm.

Changes You Can Feel

  1. Pain: Pay attention to any new, persistent pain in your breast or armpit.
  2. Size or shape changes: Notice if one breast looks bigger or sits differently than the other.

What to Do

If you notice any of these signs, don’t panic. Many breast changes are not cancer. But it’s important to:

  1. See your doctor: They can check things out and help you understand what’s going on.
  2. Get regular screenings: Ask your doctor about mammograms and when you should start getting them.
  3. Know your normal: Check your breasts regularly so you know what’s usual for you.

Remember, early detection is key. Take care of yourself and stay aware of your body’s changes.

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